Ginny Hartnett Structural Integration LLC

A process based approach to postural alignment

Structural Integration Details & Rates

Anatomy Trains Structural Integration 3-Series or 12-Series

  • $135 per session
  • Sessions are 90 minutes

In addition to hands-on work, Structural Integration (SI) is an education process, an in-depth course in your body’s structure and your perception of it. We begin with the story — your story – of your body and how it got you where you are today. This is a good thing!

You will be asked to wear minimal clothing so we can do a body read, take reference photos and do a few movement assessments.

We will be communicating throughout the session. You will be asked to move often, both in your position on the table or seated on a bench, as well as standing to give feedback on the work as it progresses. As we work, you will be asked to make small movements (such as pointing and flexing your foot) to increase the effectiveness of the work.

This is a process with a beginning, middle and end. There are two paths to take: A 3-Series or a 12-Series.

3-Series: Three sessions that focus on 1: feet to pelvis, 2: pelvis to shoulders, 3: head, neck and spine. This  can give you a feel for the work without a large commitment. For many people, this is all they need to find a better sense of balance in their bodies.

12-Series:  This follows the Anatomy Trains lines ( --also known as your myofacial meridians -- and is 12 sessions. This is done over a matter of months, depending on your availability. Ideally, sessions are 1-2 weeks apart but each person's schedule is taken into account.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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