Ginny Hartnett Structural Integration LLC

A process based approach to postural alignment

Is Structural Integration Right For You?

Is Structural Integration Right For You?

A conversation with Ginny is the best place to begin to know if Structural Integration is right for you. Would a 3-Series or a 12-Series be best? Contact her at (603) 770-5704 or


SI Is Suited For:
Postural and structural imbalances
Musculoskeletal issues (non-acute)
Fascial restrictions
Limited range-of-motion
Improve well-being


SI Should WAIT if you have:
Acute injury/illness (please see your doctor/physical therapist!)
Recent surgery (less than 6 weeks)
Acute or severe neurological issues
Uncontrolled heart issues
Currently being treated for cancer



Q: What should I wear to a Structural Integration session?

A: clients typically wear (or bring to change into) running shorts, gym shorts, a sports bra, or bathing suit (trunks or a two-piece). This is so I can have access to most of your body, but you are covered enough that you are comfortable moving about the room. Avoid long leggings that cannot be rolled up or materials that do not stretch such as nylon.

Q: What will I have to do for movement?

A: The client may be asked to stand, lie on the treatment table, walk around the room, sit on a bench in varying order depending on the session. Some movements are small, like pointing and flexing your foot or raising your arm up. Others are larger, such as reaching one arm overhead while extending one leg downward or walking. Sometimes breathing is the only movement you will be asked to do.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2024 Ginny Hartnett Structural Integration LLC. All rights reserved.