Structural Integration is a system of soft-tissue manipulation and movement reeducation. Structural Integration aims to increase awareness and ease in the body by freeing areas of restriction and unwinding tension patterns in the soft tissue. This allows for space for a new pattern to emerge in the body.
All bodies assume a pattern due to accident, injury, imitation, or life circumstances that get written into the mind, the muscles, and the body's biological fabric -- the fascia. A person's posture, both in stillness and in movement, can become inefficient or out-of-balance.
Structural Integration aims to:
- Guide the body out of inefficient postural patterning toward a place of balance
- Release strain and "stuckness" in the soft tissue to allow for more movement between fascial layers
- Refine your sense of where you are in space to move with greater fluidity and ease
- Improve and support the sense of being "at home" in your body
This is accomplished through a series of collaborative sessions with Ginny.